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5 :(

  1. energy cd <天生反骨> not here yet :(
  2. halfway through 换换爱 *paused* :(
  3. have to start mugging for exam :(
  4. equates to four days of unpaid leave :(
  5. marks the beginning of cpa australia :(

5 :)

  1. no work for four days :)
  2. marks the beginning of cpa australia :)
  3. 天生反骨 may be coming soon :)
  4. i see a beam of light :)
  5. nice catching up with janet. welcome home~ :)

在 super market 逛了好大一圈 想你爱咖喱或是意大利面
幸福的食谱在恶补几遍 我的优点要你百偿不厌

在下班路上租了几支影片 有你在沙发就是浪漫剧院
辛苦的时候想着你的脸 没有蛮牛活力也会出现

Posted by Oct 19, 2007 11:47 PM with 0 notes | add more notes | TOP

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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple.
Website: Facebook | Blogskins


Shout with me.

谈恋爱 primary school gathering and kuishin-bo ah mmmm doggies~ energy, revealed hair, mid-autumn k and invasion discourteous singaporeans ot 思念以西 short hair / uncourteous singaporeans

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