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贺岁片 and job

have seen all the 贺岁片: 长江7号,老师嫁老大,功夫灌篮。

长江7号 ` the little girl who acted as stephen chow's son is cute. for a little age like her, her acting skills are good. especially the part when he attempted to scream when he thought 长江7号 is a ghost. he was so exaggerating! hahah.... that part damn funny. and heard that she is stephen chow's real god-daughter. and 7仔 is definitely a cutie! just a pity that 戏分太少. the movie is just about the little dog from outer space.

老师嫁老大 ` mark lee is great! his sissiness is really.... omg.... sissiness+malaysian accent. the role was specially made for him. as for fann, her charatcer 没有发挥的空间. so.... not that good. except for the fact that she showed her butt. if that really belongs to her. and she splurted coarse language, no make-up, no beautiful outfit. i still prefer just follow law. the movie is just about the underground society.

功夫灌篮 ` jay chou is.... cute. not a bit handsome at all in the show. oooops.... but he is really cute. with that hair and his actions. 陈柏霖 and 陈楚河 are shuai! charlene is very cute too. there were many people who 客串: 刘畊宏,南拳妈妈,吴宗宪,吴孟达.... i love to see guys playing basketball. shuai.... the stunts are really stunning. hahahahhah.... the movie is really just about 功夫 and 灌篮.

overall, in my opinion, the story line of these three movies are lame. but.... all three are really funny. no harm watching just to laugh your heart out. next to-watch movies on my list are 'change the world' and 'the water horse'. yeah`~! *^_^*

oh ya friends, i hope you ahve enjoyed your valentine's day. i enjoyed mine. 久违了的浪漫和平静. thank you niam niam! and, i have found a job!!!! as an accounts executive in a local listed company located at uob plaza. don't ask me it is good or bad. i really have no idea. just quite satisfied with my job scope. starting work on the third of march.

像小提琴配上美妙的弦 和你在一起日子这么甜
现在就是永远 我不在乎世界变不变
不会有两颗心比我们和谐 能侃侃而谈能彼此温暖
一天不见面 就开始想念
Posted by Feb 16, 2008 2:04 PM with 0 notes | add more notes | TOP

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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple.
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lunar new year time! happy new year!!!! don't know what to blog don't know what to blog future.... energy.... 理想情人 理想情人? new year resolutions and be with you happy new year!

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