time to pin down my new year resolutions and wishes for 2008.
find a good job soon and smooth-sailing career.
find a mentor for my cpa australia program.
learn to love better. my mammy, my boyfriend, my relatives, my friends and my colleagues. and love for everything, this earth.
brother be back soon.
in line with 3 above, better relationships with the people listed.
work hard for at least two papers of my cpa australia and of course, in turn, attain good grades.
learn not to bad-mouth too much. people, control me.
taipei trip.
healthy me, healthy you, healthy everybody.
i think there are much more things which i hope will happen. but these are good enough. *pray hard* may this 2008 be a good year for me! i am 23 this year.... have to learn to grow up. yet retain a teeny weeny childish side of me. well, this is what i want. and i hope the good will fall on my loved ones too. and this planet. cruelty and disaster are to much to bear for us weaklings.
just saw japanese movie, 大约在雨季 be with you. the plot may be too unrealistic or even lame and stupid to some people. but it touched my heart. a man and a woman had a kid, a happy family. woman passed away due to sickness. she promised her husband and son that she would return during the rainy season. indeed, the rainy season next year, she returned. but lost all her memories. her husband and son were overjoyed. she learned to be a wife and mother again. she learned to fall in love with the man. the three of them spent joyous reunion times. but, what the man and kid feared turned out to be true. the woman had to leave when the six weeks of rainy season ended. her diary was revealed. when she was 20 years old, she met with an accident. after that, she could see that she and her ex-classmate (her husband) got together in the future, had a kid, she died and came back. but she did not choose a different path. instead, she approached the guy even knowing that she would die young if what she saw was true.
absurd, it may sound. but i like the movie. colours were rich although the movie is mostly raining scenes. both the man and woman did not know each other fell in love with ownself when they were back in school. and flashbacks of both parties fit perfectly. which is the lovely part of the movie as well. and their son is really really kawaii. how great it would be if a person could come back after he/she passed away? i don't need six weeks. six minutes will be well enough. the dead person could come back as a human being to love and be loved by the missed ones....
time to pin down my new year resolutions and wishes for 2008.
find a good job soon and smooth-sailing career.
find a mentor for my cpa australia program.
learn to love better. my mammy, my boyfriend, my relatives, my friends and my colleagues. and love for everything, this earth.
brother be back soon.
in line with 3 above, better relationships with the people listed.
work hard for at least two papers of my cpa australia and of course, in turn, attain good grades.
learn not to bad-mouth too much. people, control me.
taipei trip.
healthy me, healthy you, healthy everybody.
i think there are much more things which i hope will happen. but these are good enough. *pray hard* may this 2008 be a good year for me! i am 23 this year.... have to learn to grow up. yet retain a teeny weeny childish side of me. well, this is what i want. and i hope the good will fall on my loved ones too. and this planet. cruelty and disaster are to much to bear for us weaklings.
just saw japanese movie, 大约在雨季 be with you. the plot may be too unrealistic or even lame and stupid to some people. but it touched my heart. a man and a woman had a kid, a happy family. woman passed away due to sickness. she promised her husband and son that she would return during the rainy season. indeed, the rainy season next year, she returned. but lost all her memories. her husband and son were overjoyed. she learned to be a wife and mother again. she learned to fall in love with the man. the three of them spent joyous reunion times. but, what the man and kid feared turned out to be true. the woman had to leave when the six weeks of rainy season ended. her diary was revealed. when she was 20 years old, she met with an accident. after that, she could see that she and her ex-classmate (her husband) got together in the future, had a kid, she died and came back. but she did not choose a different path. instead, she approached the guy even knowing that she would die young if what she saw was true.
absurd, it may sound. but i like the movie. colours were rich although the movie is mostly raining scenes. both the man and woman did not know each other fell in love with ownself when they were back in school. and flashbacks of both parties fit perfectly. which is the lovely part of the movie as well. and their son is really really kawaii. how great it would be if a person could come back after he/she passed away? i don't need six weeks. six minutes will be well enough. the dead person could come back as a human being to love and be loved by the missed ones....
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins