out shopping with yu jia on friday and niam niam yesterday. retail therapy really helps! though i do not swear by it. but once in a while is acceptable, i supppose. and i don't go for high value items. a good way of unwinding oneself. especially after hard weeks, real hard. and much misery. ha. i can finally put work aside. ermmmm.... at least not occupying almost all of my brain space. work issue is always difficult to handle.
finally finish watching 欢喜来逗阵 (mismatch made in heaven)! a 161-episode long taiwanese drama. strictly speaking, not idol drama. just a very hilarious taiwanese drama. storyline: descendants of 黄飞鸿 and 十三姨 were cursed not to have happy marriage every generation. 黄辉宏 and 石珊怡 met each other and became neighbours, with their three daughters and sons respectively. somehow, eight of them fell in love. the drama surrounds the curse of the two families, squabbles and the love shared by them and people around them. starring very good and experienced actors such as 苗可丽 and 张晨光. other actors include 张宇, 六月, 王绍伟, 小乔 and 小甜甜. i started watching at episode 131 because of 坤达. not difficult to follow, a simple story, just that many characters involved. nice songs. interesting lines. i enjoy such dramas where all actors and production team are like one big family.
a warm feeling. though the ending is kind of absurd - time is turned back to three months back so that the eldest son who had a brain tumour could get it cured in time. at least a happy ending which i believe everybody wants. i think the message they want to convey is 珍惜眼前人. a reunion and everybody has a companion, 圆满的结局. as the title implies, this drama is about happiness. i must really thank 坤达. if not for him, i wouldn't watch such a fantastic drama. i love it. what's next? 篮球火 (坤达)! want to watch 终极三国 (also starring 坤达). but don't know how many episodes. if too long, i would rather wait till taiwan finish showing.
got to go study liao. cpa australia exam on 04th may 2009 (monday). segment: strategic management accounting. but i am still feeling lazy. and i only finish studying one module out of six.
i am finally on facebook! and my TiTi on pet society.
out shopping with yu jia on friday and niam niam yesterday. retail therapy really helps! though i do not swear by it. but once in a while is acceptable, i supppose. and i don't go for high value items. a good way of unwinding oneself. especially after hard weeks, real hard. and much misery. ha. i can finally put work aside. ermmmm.... at least not occupying almost all of my brain space. work issue is always difficult to handle.
finally finish watching 欢喜来逗阵 (mismatch made in heaven)! a 161-episode long taiwanese drama. strictly speaking, not idol drama. just a very hilarious taiwanese drama. storyline: descendants of 黄飞鸿 and 十三姨 were cursed not to have happy marriage every generation. 黄辉宏 and 石珊怡 met each other and became neighbours, with their three daughters and sons respectively. somehow, eight of them fell in love. the drama surrounds the curse of the two families, squabbles and the love shared by them and people around them. starring very good and experienced actors such as 苗可丽 and 张晨光. other actors include 张宇, 六月, 王绍伟, 小乔 and 小甜甜. i started watching at episode 131 because of 坤达. not difficult to follow, a simple story, just that many characters involved. nice songs. interesting lines. i enjoy such dramas where all actors and production team are like one big family.
a warm feeling. though the ending is kind of absurd - time is turned back to three months back so that the eldest son who had a brain tumour could get it cured in time. at least a happy ending which i believe everybody wants. i think the message they want to convey is 珍惜眼前人. a reunion and everybody has a companion, 圆满的结局. as the title implies, this drama is about happiness. i must really thank 坤达. if not for him, i wouldn't watch such a fantastic drama. i love it. what's next? 篮球火 (坤达)! want to watch 终极三国 (also starring 坤达). but don't know how many episodes. if too long, i would rather wait till taiwan finish showing.
got to go study liao. cpa australia exam on 04th may 2009 (monday). segment: strategic management accounting. but i am still feeling lazy. and i only finish studying one module out of six.
i am finally on facebook! and my TiTi on pet society.
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins