we undergo the process of learning everyday. during the course of our everyday life.
in work, i learn new things everyday, since i just started in thenew company.
in society, i learn to be more vocal and am still trying, gain more eq.
in family ties, i learn to share, to communicate, to love, to care.
in love, i learn all languages of love, to love better in all aspects.
in friendship, i learn to treasure and to take things open-heartedly.
we learn from our mistakes. how true is it. when we know what we did hurt others, we learn not to do it again, intentionally. we learn how to share more and how to treat others better.
mammy, i know i am not the most fillial girl. but i try. i may be rude. but i care. i wish to contribute more to the family. i know it has been hard on you. love you.
ai ai, thank you for helping me to learn to love. you are always there for me. i know i am still not the perfect girlfriend. and thank you for your tolerance and understanding. in you, i can see so much better qualities which i lack, which in turn, motivate me to learn. to be a better girlfriend. i am really learning. i know what you don't like me to do or say, i try not repeat the mistake intentionally. and i hope to pick up more good-girlfriend-attributes. i want to be with you happily ever after. ha. love you.
girlfriends, thank you for being there when i need you. thank you for the advices, company, listening ear, encouragement, which i always need, and which will always be available. which i treasure deeply. you teach me alot too. and i guess, you make me grow up alot too. love you.
in order to be a better person, we learn. learning is an ongoing process, neverending.
sorry readers, if it bores you. didn't expect to be a long post. such a long declaration. ha.
we undergo the process of learning everyday. during the course of our everyday life.
in work, i learn new things everyday, since i just started in thenew company.
in society, i learn to be more vocal and am still trying, gain more eq.
in family ties, i learn to share, to communicate, to love, to care.
in love, i learn all languages of love, to love better in all aspects.
in friendship, i learn to treasure and to take things open-heartedly.
we learn from our mistakes. how true is it. when we know what we did hurt others, we learn not to do it again, intentionally. we learn how to share more and how to treat others better.
mammy, i know i am not the most fillial girl. but i try. i may be rude. but i care. i wish to contribute more to the family. i know it has been hard on you. love you.
ai ai, thank you for helping me to learn to love. you are always there for me. i know i am still not the perfect girlfriend. and thank you for your tolerance and understanding. in you, i can see so much better qualities which i lack, which in turn, motivate me to learn. to be a better girlfriend. i am really learning. i know what you don't like me to do or say, i try not repeat the mistake intentionally. and i hope to pick up more good-girlfriend-attributes. i want to be with you happily ever after. ha. love you.
girlfriends, thank you for being there when i need you. thank you for the advices, company, listening ear, encouragement, which i always need, and which will always be available. which i treasure deeply. you teach me alot too. and i guess, you make me grow up alot too. love you.
in order to be a better person, we learn. learning is an ongoing process, neverending.
sorry readers, if it bores you. didn't expect to be a long post. such a long declaration. ha.
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins