everyday is fine here. except that i think i put on weight by eating and sitting non-stop. breakfast at 07:30 a.m., lunch at 12:00 nn and dinner at 05:00 p.m. what if i get use to this meal times when i return singapore? except that we have been working overtime everyday at client's place, latest to 09:00 p.m. it is late for them. they sleep as early as seven plus during winter. except that i have to wake up early everyday since i was used to be late for work. except that we do not have much time to shop. hope we can enjoy soon. though working alot, i am afraid that i have not done my part well enough. well....
got to see falling snow the second time yesterday early morning, at seven plus. what i mean falling snow is those snowing scenes you will see on tv. for those 'drizzles', we got to see a number of times. it was beautiful, from my room window. took a picture but it did not really turn out well. we were always hoping for snow when the driver drove us around so that we can at least get to touch the snow and take a photograph. not yet. it isn't really snowy at rushan. but it can get freezing cold outdoors. we can really get excited about the cold weather too, like the air from our breath which causes the 'smoke'. but when the wind blows, it can be so cold that you feel that your face is cracking.
food here is good. at least for seafood. they have lots of seafood and they are cheap. we have cuttlefish, oyster and different kinds of very fresh fish almost everyday. and they have many kinds of shells. their oysters are very big! we had oysters for lunch and dinner today. their staple food is not rice. they eat 饺子, many kinds big 馒头 and noodles. and they are always served last. their rice is gluttinous rice. not quite used. 五花肉 is nice. oh ya, i finally got to eat the steamboat with the peanut sauce which i have been wanting to eat since the september trip. should i get some peanut sauce back to singapore? i like. but my colleagues said it is actually diluted peanut butter.
everyday is fine here. except that i think i put on weight by eating and sitting non-stop. breakfast at 07:30 a.m., lunch at 12:00 nn and dinner at 05:00 p.m. what if i get use to this meal times when i return singapore? except that we have been working overtime everyday at client's place, latest to 09:00 p.m. it is late for them. they sleep as early as seven plus during winter. except that i have to wake up early everyday since i was used to be late for work. except that we do not have much time to shop. hope we can enjoy soon. though working alot, i am afraid that i have not done my part well enough. well....
got to see falling snow the second time yesterday early morning, at seven plus. what i mean falling snow is those snowing scenes you will see on tv. for those 'drizzles', we got to see a number of times. it was beautiful, from my room window. took a picture but it did not really turn out well. we were always hoping for snow when the driver drove us around so that we can at least get to touch the snow and take a photograph. not yet. it isn't really snowy at rushan. but it can get freezing cold outdoors. we can really get excited about the cold weather too, like the air from our breath which causes the 'smoke'. but when the wind blows, it can be so cold that you feel that your face is cracking.
food here is good. at least for seafood. they have lots of seafood and they are cheap. we have cuttlefish, oyster and different kinds of very fresh fish almost everyday. and they have many kinds of shells. their oysters are very big! we had oysters for lunch and dinner today. their staple food is not rice. they eat 饺子, many kinds big 馒头 and noodles. and they are always served last. their rice is gluttinous rice. not quite used. 五花肉 is nice. oh ya, i finally got to eat the steamboat with the peanut sauce which i have been wanting to eat since the september trip. should i get some peanut sauce back to singapore? i like. but my colleagues said it is actually diluted peanut butter.
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins