finally watched iron man 2 with yu jia, hui xian and niam niam. it's nice! once again, it is proven that do not bring expectations before entering a theatre. have heard not-so-good reviews on iron man, so didn't expect much. results: better than expected! action-packed! and his gadgets are simply amazing. guess he could be known as gadget man too. wonder if the fuuture can really be so high in technology. hope iron man 3 won't be too far away. else i would forget how it carries on from iron man 2. hahahahah....
but i want wolverine more! and just found from imdb that wolverine will be out in 2011! iron man 3 will be out in 2012.
i am loving the stomp application on my iphone. i don't watch news and i only know of big headlines from other people's mouth, the net or the papers people are reading . so i guess stomp has enlightened me a little though those real big news won't appear in the app. and it provides me an opportunity to know what is happening in every part of singapore.
some stompers are quite entertaining. they post unimportant news. while others reflect the reality of our society. especially regarding youngsters nowadays. pardon me for saying, shameless. well, that is the truth we have to face. this is what our society is becoming. teenagers getting touchy in the public. do they realise that they are bringing shame to their family? young and immature. they ought to spend more time thinking of their future.
besides such posts, there are all kinds of interesting things you can see happening in singapore are in stomp.
i am disturbed by people who leave comments. some comments are so moronic. it makes me wonder do they think before they type? brainless lot. they just like to challenge other people's comments. what's so great about challenging a stranger through usch channel? and some people are so insensitive and ignorant to post racism, sexual, discriminatory remarks. this irritating act is simply incomprehensible.
finally watched iron man 2 with yu jia, hui xian and niam niam. it's nice! once again, it is proven that do not bring expectations before entering a theatre. have heard not-so-good reviews on iron man, so didn't expect much. results: better than expected! action-packed! and his gadgets are simply amazing. guess he could be known as gadget man too. wonder if the fuuture can really be so high in technology. hope iron man 3 won't be too far away. else i would forget how it carries on from iron man 2. hahahahah....
but i want wolverine more! and just found from imdb that wolverine will be out in 2011! iron man 3 will be out in 2012.
i am loving the stomp application on my iphone. i don't watch news and i only know of big headlines from other people's mouth, the net or the papers people are reading . so i guess stomp has enlightened me a little though those real big news won't appear in the app. and it provides me an opportunity to know what is happening in every part of singapore.
some stompers are quite entertaining. they post unimportant news. while others reflect the reality of our society. especially regarding youngsters nowadays. pardon me for saying, shameless. well, that is the truth we have to face. this is what our society is becoming. teenagers getting touchy in the public. do they realise that they are bringing shame to their family? young and immature. they ought to spend more time thinking of their future.
besides such posts, there are all kinds of interesting things you can see happening in singapore are in stomp.
i am disturbed by people who leave comments. some comments are so moronic. it makes me wonder do they think before they type? brainless lot. they just like to challenge other people's comments. what's so great about challenging a stranger through usch channel? and some people are so insensitive and ignorant to post racism, sexual, discriminatory remarks. this irritating act is simply incomprehensible.
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins