flash flood hit singapore again. i was not really affected by the first flood last week. cos it started raining heavily when i reached office. but i know the flood was terrible, from the photos splashed on stomp, over the net and on facebook. i was caught in the flood today! battled against the rain, wind, lightning and flood. my lower body was so drenched! dislike that kind of feeling. and the lightning was so scary. i felt so relieved when i stepped into the concourse.
michael jackson's death anniversary. one year has passed. it doesn't seem like a year to me. i was never really his fan but he earns my respect. being the king of pop and reigning the entertainment industry for decades, he had always been a great influence to younger performers worldwide. his talent can never be denied. life is fragile. mj, you will be remembered and loved by all, your fans all over the world.
had a tiff with niam niam last week. of course, things are fine now. just find it weird. we seem to like to bicker and squabble more now. ha. well, after that little tiff, i guess we learn to tolerate and to appreciate each other more. everybody learns from quarrels, isn't it? we know where we should put in more effort and we learn to understand the other's feelings. and a compromise is reached. but of course, nobody wants to quarrel always.
it is our so-called monthly ktv session again. top one with yu jia tomorrow. our favourite eleven to six session. time to let down our hair and sing our woes away, if any. ha. looking forward to shopping after ktv too though i am a poor little girl. window shopping does good too. though i believe in retail therapy, i don't indulge in it. lol. walking along orchard road is sufficient to release my negative emotions.
flash flood hit singapore again. i was not really affected by the first flood last week. cos it started raining heavily when i reached office. but i know the flood was terrible, from the photos splashed on stomp, over the net and on facebook. i was caught in the flood today! battled against the rain, wind, lightning and flood. my lower body was so drenched! dislike that kind of feeling. and the lightning was so scary. i felt so relieved when i stepped into the concourse.
michael jackson's death anniversary. one year has passed. it doesn't seem like a year to me. i was never really his fan but he earns my respect. being the king of pop and reigning the entertainment industry for decades, he had always been a great influence to younger performers worldwide. his talent can never be denied. life is fragile. mj, you will be remembered and loved by all, your fans all over the world.
had a tiff with niam niam last week. of course, things are fine now. just find it weird. we seem to like to bicker and squabble more now. ha. well, after that little tiff, i guess we learn to tolerate and to appreciate each other more. everybody learns from quarrels, isn't it? we know where we should put in more effort and we learn to understand the other's feelings. and a compromise is reached. but of course, nobody wants to quarrel always.
it is our so-called monthly ktv session again. top one with yu jia tomorrow. our favourite eleven to six session. time to let down our hair and sing our woes away, if any. ha. looking forward to shopping after ktv too though i am a poor little girl. window shopping does good too. though i believe in retail therapy, i don't indulge in it. lol. walking along orchard road is sufficient to release my negative emotions.
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I'm Monica.
I was born in a piece on 31st of March in Singapore.
Half-boiled egg cos I am not a girl, not yet a woman.
I love my family, boyfriend and friends. And definitely, myself.
My interests are in movies and chinese pop.
Not really that kind of Sing girl.
Cos I don't really love shopping though of course, I enjoy it.
Thus, not a fashionista. Yeah.
Girl next door? Perhaps.
Though I do not possess that x-factor.
Whatever it is, just simple. Website:Facebook | Blogskins